Incorporated in July 2010, ABLife Inc. was established by a group of people who are concerned about the growth of the young generation and committed to the industrialization of life science in China. She is headquartered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, with two branches—Xinjiang Kashgar ABLife Inc. and Wuhan Elim Med Lab Co., Ltd. We work on translating sequences to science and industry. Aiming at releasing the enormous social value of life science, we have developed long-term cooperation with over 90 scientific research institutes and hospitals in more than 20 provinces around China. Using leading-edge technology and applying our bioinformatics expertise, we generate publication ready results for the research success of our customers doing biomedical, agricultural breeding, and environmental research. We are still on the way to develop new ways of accelerating biotechnology and scientific research to bring prosperity to people.

The research finding of Dr. Yi Zhang, CEO of ABLife, has been awarded as the “Advances in Science and Technology of China Top 10 Science News” in 2010

ABLife is determined to accelerate the scientific innovation in China and bless the world, especially the 4.4 billion people in countries along the Silk Road in Asia. We are dedicated to the construction of a powerful world-class scientific cooperation platform. We are now probing a new business model that can make great contributions to the world. ABLife cares about the future rather than the present.

ABLife is a company to help realize your dream. The dream of yours is also ours; the dream of our staffs is also ours. It is your dream, our staffs’dream and shareholders’dream that we want to realize. Love and dream represent what motivates us in ABlife. Our mission is to bless the world with science as well as help the world discover, unveil, protect and enjoy the beauty of life!


The distinguishing feature of life science compared to other scientific subjects lies in its complexity, intimacy and perfection. The goal of life science is to explore the law of life in human body, which is in nature a scientific and honorable subject for the public.


Life science will be no more an intricate scientific subject. We dream of presenting the intricacy, harmony and creativity of the law of life in life science. Via animation, video and internet, we will get the chance to know, enjoy and join in the journey to seek the hidden treasure of life science. Every one of us will be able to get access to the forefront of life science research. Everyone can be a scientist.


We spare no effort to turn the latest research findings into protocols in clinical treatment in order to improve the public health. We aim at translating the achievements in life science into applications for public health. At present, we are developing the technology in early diagnosis of cancer.


With latest technical support and data analysis service in genomic regulation research, we aim at carrying out advanced life science researches together with our customers.


China has a generation of youth born after 1980s and 1990s under the Chinese policy of reform and opening up. This era is marked by the popularization of English learning and the prevalence of internet; therefore, this generation is endowed with creativity and international vision. Therefore, our mission is in part to provide them with a platform to help realize their aspiration and help them take an active part in realizing the well-being of people’s lives at home and abroad.

Business Culture

Advanced Technical Services:We are committed to: keeping up with the global trend of scientific research; getting access to advanced technical services; providing first-class health services and creatively presenting science with animation and video.

First-class personalized services:We seek to provide first-class professional and personalized services to improve the satisfaction and of our partners as well as our team members.

Let creativity spark:We are dedicated to the improvement of people’s lives through the industrialization of life science. We emphasize the importance of creativity and innovation that can motivate the creativity of our team members.

Fly your dream:Dream can strengthen our faith and make us abound in love and creativity. We are committed to strengthening your faith in your research project by providing you with technical and intellectual support.

Company Culture

Committed to our dutyevery position in our company is equally important and has eternal value. In ABLife, we respect every staff in different position because every one of us is special and has distinct gifts. We love and fully respect our job and we are constantly pursuing first-class professional services.

Just to Be RealEvery one of us is committed to offering professional services with sincere heart, unique gifts and creativity. We refuse ostensible honor and meaningless competition; instead, we accept, support and share with each other to help us grow quickly.